Friday, May 23, 2014

Gemgossip Visits Quadrum!

We recently had the absolute pleasure of playing jewelry with Gemgossip correspondent Alexis Kletjian! This is a woman with the winning combination of great style and impeccable taste, who is an emerging jewelry designer to boot! (Not to mention she holds GIA accreditation and a hidden talent for a good game of charades!)
Not only do we admire Alexis' wide range of talents and strong sense of self, but we adore that she believes the best splurge is "anything that makes you feel beautiful or happy every time you come across or experience it's benefits.  It could be a daily latte, jewelry, furniture, professional portrait of your family, or the extra time you carve out for yourself."  YES!
Check out our favorite new Bostonian's blog, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest pages and you will quickly see why we made fast friends with this gal!
We just love how Alexis was able to mix up all of our jewels to create a super fabulous, mouth watering photoshoot

It is incredible that Alexis is fully immersed in the amazing work of Gemgossip, a site that has long been on our radar as one of the premier outlets to discover jewelry...from the oldest of vintage treasures to the newest of modern day master pieces.

Danielle Miele, the creator and genius behind Gemgossip began her successful blog in 2008, and has since inspired the WORLD over to #showmeyourrings !! Her Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram and Pinterest pages all further reveal her jewelry obsession (that we clearly share!!).

As a GIA graduate, Danielle spends her time jewelry appraise-a-ring'ing, blogging, instagramming, facebooking, managing her own website and Etsy page and auction house hunting! *Whew* and we love every minute of it!
Danielle modeling Todd Reed's jewelry...Get delirious as you gander through her Jewels at my Doorstep section!
We thank this busy girl, as she is forever traveling and using her keen eye to seek out the very best jewelry in the whole wide world. Danielle, you are an inspiration to all of us jewelry obsessed folk! You keep us on a wild ride through the world of jewelry, never stop!!

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